Virgo New Moon, Sept 6-7, 2021
… and a Trine to Uranus!
An amazingly creative positive wave of energy! Potentials to change vacations, homes, careers, and the search for meaningful service. We may feel like we are making a lot of motion with limited progress while moving into a season of introspection. Expect miracles and wish fulfillment!
Un-programing as opposed to reprograming, time to heal trauma wounds, except and release betrayals and trusting a Higher Power that you are protected and safe to move forward. Hope after devastation and regaining stability through Self-empowerment. Lighten-up during these intense healing energies – Wolf Spirit.
Mastering the difference between pain and suffering. Going through hardships so you know how it feels and can help others. Learning flexibility and planting seeds of grace, work on trusting. Remember exceptional joy!
Opportunities abound, optimism, truth being revealed and not being what you think. Decompress from worry and stress by going outside, get some Sun, walk barefoot on the Earth. Virgo rules the nervous system and practices analyzing, critical thinking with a keen eye for detail. Great troubleshooters! Plan some de-cluttering and pay attention to diet and hygiene. Time to take Tai Chi or Yoga classes for relaxation and strive to maintain a positive mental attitude.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the fleet-footed Roman Messenger of the Gods, or Thoth in Egyptian text and Hermes in Greek doctrine. Mythology attributes Mercury with creating fire, commerce and is the protector of travelers – the only immortal that travels between here and the underworld with ease. The alchemist, associated with ancient healing practices using patience and powers of concentration to unite opposites, reconcile scientific paradoxes or “squaring the circle.” This new moon signals the turning of the wheel of transformation and the journey between your conscious and unconscious mind. Just like Mercury could travel between dimensions, use this time to focus on your dreams and allowing your imagination freedom to break down the worries that bind. Great time for journaling your tasks, goals, wishes and writing in general as well as starting new projects and routines. Namaste.
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Lion Mountain Healing