Taurus Full Moon November 15, 2024
This lunation includes Saturn stationing direct in Pisces, having been retrograde since June 29, 2024. A strong feeling and inner need for security as a practical matter and emotionally. A good time for balancing accounts. Moon conjunct Uranus is opportunistic for an energy boost and finding creative ways through surprises or unexpected developments.
Taurus the bull is a fixed earth sign ruled by Venus, “I have” and rules the second house where our possessions, finances and values are represented. Known to have a stubborn streak and descriptive of archetypes: the Silent One, the Elf, the Totem animal (pick your favorite creature)! Taurus teaches the lesson of slowing down and taking the time to appreciate the simple things in nature, art, music, wine, and foods. Taurus has a warm, fuzzy vibration, very sensual, think of velvet and ornate furnishings. Crystals for Taurus include emerald, topaz, tourmaline, tigers’ eye, and lapis lazuli.
Taurus rules the neck, throat, and ear areas of the body. A sore throat could be a symptom indicative of the need to communicate, repressed anger and stagnant creativity. Herbs that help sore throats are echinacea root, ginger, elecampane, and horehound. What is it that you are not saying? Thyroid issues are common and represent the emotion of humiliation. Golden seal, cayenne, molasses, parsley, kelp, and watercress can help. An earache may mean there is turmoil and anger and herbs such as chickweed, angelica, licorice root assist with symptoms.
Moon and Uranus in Taurus puts you in touch with your inner pioneer and you may well have a breakthrough psychologically and that may in turn create physical healing. Saturn station direct could involve old wounds being reopened. Possibly feeling a bit more anxious than usual and at some kind of crossroads. Issues surrounding the decisions to continue in the same direction or taking a new direction are under focus. It is important to face a difficult situation and ultimately find solutions. Pluto trine the full moon and Uranus conjunction is positive for favorable outcomes.
It is important to practice empathy and not judge others for what you may perceive as fault. The Sun is in the last degrees of Scorpio and supports having good instincts and pronounced psychic ability. The Sun is trine Neptune, and you may experience incredible dream states and astro travel experiences. Try keeping notes or journal the numbers, colors and feelings in dreams and dream with intention of retrieving specific information from the subconscious mind. This is a powerful time to make permanent shifts to finally let go of old karmic behavior patterns that no longer serve your greater good.
On November 21-22, the Sun enters Sagittarius and brings with it a more jubilant and active time for putting plans in action. Within a day or two, Mercury in Sagittarius stations retrograde until December 15, 2024. Be prepared for possible hiccups or delays and be willing to go with the flow and not get too concerned if adjustments are needed. Quite often it is within the adjustments that new found opportunities manifest! An applicable mantra to remember is that you are always where you are supposed to be, and you always have what you need!
Lion Mountain Health
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