Summer Solstice – Capricorn Full Moon – June 20-21, 2024
The solstice marks the onset of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere and June 21 is the longest day and shortest night of the year. This occurs twice yearly and is when the Earth’s poles have its maximum tilt toward the Sun. It is the day the Sun reaches its northernmost position before it starts getting lower in the sky. Spiritually, the Summer Solstice celebrates the triumph of light over darkness and the sunlight represents enlightenment, spiritual awareness, vitality, and a time to honor the life-giving energy of the Sun – life force. A time to release and reset, bond with nature, listen to music and catch some early rays. Mysteries cloaked in darkness could be revealed. A reminder notice to look inward and nourish ourselves in order to grow and evolve. Powerful new beginnings to manifest transformations.
A Capricorn Full Moon at 1 degree signifies completion of a project and with a second Capricorn Full Moon in July, we may see a second project concluded. Focus is on strong leadership, well thought out strategy and plans. Decisions and clear thinking are supported. The Full Moon is opposite Venus and these clear, well thought through decisions may not please everyone but do represent progress in a situation and coming out of a stagnant energy or environment. Mercury is also close by and within a few degrees of the Sun and Venus lending a propensity for conflict and arguments and we can depend on Capricorn’s patient and resilient nature to get by.
Mars in Taurus will make a nice easy trine to the Full moon and offer sympathy and understanding to any contentious situations. Mars Taurus can be stubborn and brooding, lending strength to taking a stand, especially in matters of love, war, and money. Make extra effort to take notes and keep track of details with Neptune squaring the Moon, memory loss and forgetfulness are challenges, and we may need to remember details, instructions and conversations for future endeavors and decisions.
Pluto trine Jupiter supports making plans for the future for travel, renovations and furthering your education. Jupiter is making a trine to the South Node so people and places from the past can reappear and affect future plans. Draw on the Jupiterian optimism and be mindful of any negative Self talk. Only speak highly of yourself and do not tolerate others disrespecting you. The North Node square Mercury could mean looking to move homes or changing jobs, meeting your destiny. Someone from the past or your experience from the past opening to opportunities that solidify your sense of self-worth, security, and well-being. Chiron semi-sextile Uranus – learn your lessons and use these earthy cardinal energies to recognize and alter negative behavior patterns! Keep an open mind and avoid judging the future based upon past experiences.
Lion Mountain Healing
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