Leo Full Moon Feb 16 2022

Venus Mars Conjunction in Capricorn and a Fixed Grand Cross Pattern

This February lunation includes Venus and Mars conjunct in the sign of Capricorn which represents primal drives and impulsive desires. This is good energy for setting long term goals and breaking free from bondages as predicated by society, and instead placing trust in one’s own instincts and intuition. The cosmic lovers that love and respect each other. Love is creative with deep expression from the Soul-full part of consciousness. “I want you to see me and appreciate me and I want you to do nice things for me and I want to do nice things for you”.

The Moon is at 27 degrees Leo opposite the Sun at 27 degrees Aquarius while the North Node in Taurus is opposite the Scorpio South Node creating a Grand Cross pattern.  The Sabian Symbol for 27 degrees Leo is “Daybreak” and represents us knowing our own heart and honors cycles of nature.  Nothing ever remains the same and the more in tune with nature, the easier life unfolds with limited adversity.  This configuration is in Fixed signs so flexibility could be challenging and teaches us to be honest about past lessons and have courage to forge ahead into the unknown. The Nodal axis implies the karmic connections to the people, places and situations being experienced. The opposite energies of Leo “I” and Aquarius “we the collective” striking a balance by setting healthy boundaries. This is the 4th 27 degree full moon since November, 2021, and is the “9” or a completion of karmic cycles.

Sun moves into Pisces on February 18, leaving Aquarius behind, and shifts the energy to feel more and express compassion. Very Spiritual and supports awakenings. Careful to not get hung up on delusions or pipe dreams, and make practical plans to reach goals and dreams. Later in the month Venus and Mars will be sextiling Neptune and that is wonderful for fantasy but all the while keeping our feet (Pisces) on the ground and approaching tasks realistically.

Leo is a fire sign that rules the heart and is about courage and strength to lead, facing fears and being creative.  Symbolized by the lion, Leo represents children and teaches that it is never too late to have a happy second childhood.  Amber, diamonds, rubies and gold fall under Leo rulership. Drama of self-expression – dance, write, paint, go to a movie and in general enjoy some entertainment!

Current energies are set to shake up anything that has been stagnant. Coming off of a trine between Venus and Uranus earlier this month breaks through barriers to experience new and exciting ventures. Trines are considered the Universe’s “Lady Luck” and bring positive opportunities, and gifts, making the path ahead slightly easier. Be the change you want to see and see people and things with an open mind, from new perspectives.

Lion Mountain Healing

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