Gemini Full Moon November 27, 2023
Symbolized by The Twins, a mutable air sign ruled by Mercury and ruler of the Third House. Represents siblings, communication, mentality, expression, and short trips. Gemini is the lost twin seeking the other twin and is adaptable, flexible, and intellectual. The Witness, the Storyteller, the Eternal Adolescent and Trickster. Rules the nervous system and Solar Plexus Chakra which represents the lessons of awakening, transformation, and immortality. Crystals under the rule of Gemini are moonstone, citrine, calcite, opal, agate, and tiger’s eye.
Mars is holding hands with the Sagittarius Sun reminds us to take a breath before speaking. Nerves are on edge, a volatility in the air. A desire for independence, travel, adventure, and non-conformance. Timelines are shifting and it is best to lay low, spend time in nature, pay attention to your breathing. Try to keep a higher perspective on situations, less ego and rise above judgment. Feelings of constriction and limits in order to be still and watch. Truth will be revealed.
North Node making a trine to Mercury will initiate fated encounters and occurrences. New opportunities for love and money. Making peace with the past. Aspects to Neptune offer heightened intuition and retaining information from dreams. Dream work through journaling and making a conscious effort to remember dreams to apply to current day situations. A time for more activity is great for pursuing new interests and hobbies. Let the imagination flow and pay attention to small details.
Saturn, having gone direct earlier in the month is picking up speed and items that have been delayed or stagnant will now move forward and find resolution. Neptune is nearing its direct station which will support dreams coming true and veils of illusion being lifted. Neptune seduces us into scenarios that our conscious mind may otherwise resist. An interesting mixture of structure and going out of bounds. A pragmatic approach to Spiritual Awakening so that we experience more peace and contentment in everyday life.
Nurture gratitude and recognize how resilience heals and celebrate your triumphs!
Lion Mountain Healing
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