Aquarius New Moon January 29, 2025
This month’s New Moon is also the Lunar New Year in Chinese culture and begins the year of the Snake. This celebrates a New Year and is known as the Spring Festival. The year of the Snake symbolizes renewal,…
This month’s New Moon is also the Lunar New Year in Chinese culture and begins the year of the Snake. This celebrates a New Year and is known as the Spring Festival. The year of the Snake symbolizes renewal,…
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, a Cardinal Water sign – the Mother. Representing the fourth house in the natural Zodiac: home, old age, land, parent, the grave, or the end “I feel.” The Healer, Psychotherapist, Invisible Man/Woman. Known for…
Chatty, chatty, chatty – a lot of talking, gossiping and circulating of information – busy bee energy. Gemini is an air mutable sign ruled by Mercury. Several hours after the full moon, Mercury stations direct and will make an opposition…
A mutable fire sign ruled by Jupiter and symbolized by the archer, centaur – a scholar, philosopher, pilgrim, gypsy and can be fanatic in its extreme expression. “I see,” deeply committed to seeking the truth and having strong faith. Sagittarius…
This lunation includes Saturn stationing direct in Pisces, having been retrograde since June 29, 2024. A strong feeling and inner need for security as a practical matter and emotionally. A good time for balancing accounts. Moon conjunct Uranus is opportunistic…
A time of deep healing, rebirth, and rejuvenation. Scorpio is a fixed water sign and the most instinctual of the Zodiac. Symbolized by the Scorpion, a creature that will sting itself to death before allowing you to set it on…
The Harvest Moon, when the Moon’s Light lasts a little longer to help farmers gather their crops and prepare for Winter. Traditionally, a time to celebrate the bounty of Summer and this New Moon is the second of four Supermoons…
The Water Bearer that is an air fixed sign ruled originally by Saturn and now the modern ruler of Uranus – Aquarius, the Revolutionary, Scientist, the Astrologer, Mystic, the Iceberg, an Exile. The energy to teach us about or own…
Brave, bold Leo exemplifies the fire element, ruled by the Sun “I will” rules the heart and upper back and seeks the truth in all matters no matter how difficult. Natural ruler of the fifth house which is children, romance,…
This is the second of two in a row Capricorn Full Moons and situations from June 21-22, 2024 may be in focus again or continue with another chapter. The fish-tailed goat symbol reminding us of a deep Spiritual connection to…