Cancer Full Moon January 13, 2025
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, a Cardinal Water sign – the Mother. Representing the fourth house in the natural Zodiac: home, old age, land, parent, the grave, or the end “I feel.” The Healer, Psychotherapist, Invisible Man/Woman. Known for their sentimentality and nurturing nature. Rules the stomach and breast area of the body. The Heart Chakra – Divine/Unconditional love, forgiveness, and compassion.
Emotions of dread, fear of change or grudges are often held in and create upset stomach or indigestion. Herbs like Ginger, Cloves, Licorice Root, Fennel, and Peppermint can ease the symptoms of stomach issues. It is important to express your emotions and have a good cry. Crystals under Cancer rulership include ruby, emerald, moonstone, chrysoprase and amber.
Favorable aspects of Moon Trine Saturn and Sun Trine Uranus a few hours ahead of the Full Moon assist with boosting motivation and getting organized. This energy supports the New Year’s resolutions of discipline and self-care.
Shortly after the Full Moon there is a conjunction with Mars retrograde and be careful to avoid arguments especially relating to old wounds or stories. Get some exercise and find creative ways to vent anger and frustrations – start a new hobby connected to gardening and cooking. It will not be long, and the Moon will Trine Neptune taking the edge off of sensitive feelings. Take time for a cat nap!
The following few days with the Moon opposing Pluto and Venus square Jupiter, opportunities exist for getting a project completed. Focus on finances more than love for a time. It is time to become the best version of yourself while contributing to the community and doing what you can to help others, if nothing more than an encouraging smile.
By mid-week, the Moon will Trine Chiron and this will support healing old wounds. You may find yourself helping someone through a crisis that is familiar to you and your experience helps others to weather the storm – Chiron is the wounded healer – the Centaur that taught others through his own pain. Likewise, you may spend time with someone who is able to help you navigate a difficult situation. Ultimately, pain teaches us resilience and shows us our own strengths.
2025 will prove to be the year of technological innovation, Spiritual awakening, and personal growth. The Nodal Axis, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, and Jupiter are all changing signs. Pluto has recently entered Aquarius. A brand-new chapter influenced by the Fire and Air signs. Change to priorities and social structures with more emphasis on the “we” instead of “me.”
By late 2025 and transits of Saturn, structure comes to turn dreams into reality so dream BIG!
Lion Mountain Healing
Copyright 2025