Aries Full Moon 10-20-2021

“Lost opportunity regained through imagination” is the Sabian Symbol for this 27 degree Aries Full Moon and represents psychological maturity through reformulation.  There is a shake up to the status quo, and it is prudent to be mindful of words spoken without thinking your feelings through first.  Apply moderation as much as possible to avoid saying something that will be regretted later.  Be mindful of slipping into negative family dynamics that triggers anger.  Conversations may be challenged by changing perspectives.  A good time to leave people alone and not feel like you must explain yourself or justify your actions and decisions.  A period of emotional maturity and facing any fear or insecurities.

A time of re-evaluating relationships and adjusting or ending altogether for the sake of authenticity.  A Cardinal T-square creates power struggles, (Moon opposite Sun & Mars making a square to Pluto) and feels like being sick and tired of being sick and tired or mental and emotional exhaustion.  Like an engine that is flooded out, time is needed to allow things to settle before starting again.  A good time to focus on long term goals.

We all help each other with inspiration and motivation to act.  Stalemate or checkmate?  A reminder notice that a fair amount of the stress felt is self-imposed causing feelings of frustration especially with work and other professionals.  The frustration can manifest in headaches, aches about the bones, jaws and teeth.

Sun conjunct Mars in Libra sparks impulsive behavior, arguments, and brings to a head situation-ships demanding justice. The Sun brings illumination to deep psychological wounds and feelings of betrayal.  Anger is healing as it can lift the Soul out of depression or procrastination and motivate a person to take care of business.  By moving forward through the pain or disappointment teaches acceptance of our own individuality and strengthens self-esteem.

The North Node is slowing down to station direct on October 23rd at 01 degrees of Gemini and will bring new life cycles and fated encounters.  We will have opportunities to be in places and meet people we are fated to meet and that help us achieve Soul growth and accomplish Spiritual goals.  The Sun moves into Scorpio the same day and can bring clarity to mysteries and can reveal secrets. A few days later Mars will also move into Scorpio and will heat up intense feelings of sacred sexuality and the desire for deeper connections in all areas of life.  Namaste.

Lion Mountain Healing

Copyright 2021