Aquarius New Moon January 29, 2025
This month’s New Moon is also the Lunar New Year in Chinese culture and begins the year of the Snake. This celebrates a New Year and is known as the Spring Festival. The year of the Snake symbolizes renewal, rebirth and is associated with the element of fire and transformation. Snake represents balance, wisdom and intelligence with mysterious overtones. Aquarius is also associated with intelligence, particularly from ethereal realms.
Aquarius is an air fixed sign symbolized by the water-bearer and is ruled by Uranus and promises to bring new consciousness and connection to ancient wisdom and lessons from the Shaman. The water-bearer is pouring the waters of wisdom upon the earth. Natural ruler of the eleventh house in the natural Zodiac and is where we look for information on friends, hopes, wishes, social groups, and true love. “I know”.
The planet of Uranus itself has extremes of hot and cold and like strong Aquarian energy, makes a person run hot and cold. Aquarians can be very warm and friendly as well as totally detached. A very sensitive energy, they do not detach for some harsh reason but it is more of a self-preservation of their own sensitivity. Aquarius gets bored easily and thrives on intellectual stimulation and attuned to all matters related to the world wide web, computers, electronics and the evolution of humanity. There is interest in deep space, alternate Universes and UFOs.
The following day Uranus stations direct in Taurus and will touch a familiar point from April 2024 when Uranus and Jupiter were conjunct. Expect increased seismic activity with the stellium of the New Moon coupled by the Mercury Pluto conjunction, you can expect to see old patterns shattered and the expansion of our knowledge of the cosmos. Things are not as they seem.
The Neptune North Node conjunction continues in Pisces opening doors in the subconscious mind to reach Spiritual heights. The psychic faculty is naturally supported by these alignments and elevating the ability to hear the collective consciousness and to distinguish between illusion and reality. Mankind is rocketing forward on the path of Spiritual Awakening. Time to let go of the South Node familiar emotions, trauma and actions and reach for the lessons of your North Node – face your fears.
Denial will keep the Soul repeating cycles that perpetuate feelings of fear, helplessness and victimhood. Choose to be brave and muster your courage through the breath so that you can ascend to your true path and be the best version of yourself. You have everything you need within yourself and remember that you are never alone. Peace, harmony and truth. Namaste.
Lion Mountain Health
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